Stonehill Downs
Author: Sarah Remy
Publisher: Harper Collins/Voyager
Pages: 400
Genre: Fantasy
Format: Paperback/Kindle/Nook
Author: Sarah Remy
Publisher: Harper Collins/Voyager
Pages: 400
Genre: Fantasy
Format: Paperback/Kindle/Nook

For More Information:
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available at Amazon.
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Book Excerpt:
held him down. The old man’s skin burned, and sweat turned his mottled flesh
slick, but still he shuddered as if chilled. Where Mal’s long fingers encircled
his wrists, bruises blossomed.
dampened Mal’s own brow, running in rivulets along his nose and into the
corners of his eyes, stinging. He didn’t move to wipe them away. All of his
strength was focused on the man convulsing beneath his hands.
him go, Mal.”
He refused to spare Siobahn a glance. He refused to acknowledge the disapproval
he felt vibrating across the room.
You mustn’t keep him back. It’s too painful.”
him? Or for you?” He knew the words were unkind. He didn’t care.
air moved as Siobahn shifted. The candles in the close room flickered, shedding
plumes of smoke. Her breath stirred the hair on the back of his head.
he wouldn’t look around.
dying man twisted on silken bedclothes. His mouth gaped open, showing yellow
teeth, and his eyes rolled in his skull.
knew the old man was all but senseless, but he couldn’t help himself; he bent
forward and peered into the wizened face.
he whispered, willing the other man to hear.
Siobahn forced the issue, stepping away from the shadows and into his line of
gown rustled. He could hear the soft pad of her slippers along the stone floor.
She slid through the haze of incense, and set her palms flat on the edge of the
bed, leaning across the mattress until he was forced to meet her gaze.
him go,” she said again. This time she put just a touch of ice into the words.
no longer took orders, not even from the young woman who had once been his
wife. But she could still pierce him through with her deep blue eyes, and she
knew it.
matter how often he wished it otherwise, Siobahn never failed to move him. She
knew that, also.
he looked away from Andrew’s gaping mouth, and let her rake him with her gaze.
She was angry, he saw, and disappointed. Maybe she was frightened, but she kept
her smile sweet.
holding him back,” she warned. “Don’t make him struggle.”
might still be saved,” Mal argued, even though his heart knew better. Already
the bitter tang of grief roughened the back of his throat.
was the last, and Mal didn’t want to be alone.
lifted one hand from the mattress, and set it on Mal’s arm. His tendons
quivered at her touch. Beneath his own fingers Andrew’s muscles convulsed in
response. The ravaged body arched up off the bed, then snapped back onto the
scented the air; a trickle of the dark liquid stained Andrew’s chin. The old
man had bitten through his tongue.
violence of the struggle touched Mal at last. He flinched away from the bed,
releasing frail bones. The moment his fingers left Andrew’s flesh, the old man
convulsed again, as though plucked off the mattress by the hands of the gods.
Mal heard bones in the tortured spine snap.
on his way,” Siobahn whispered, relieved.
shuddered. The gods were never gentle with the ones they favored.
bent over the bed, and took Andrew’s right hand in his own. There was no
response. The old man was well and truly gone.
stroked Andrew’s cooling palm with his thumb. Tears still scratched at the back
of his throat. He forced them down, waited until he knew his eyes were dry, and
then he reached over and wiped the blood from Andrew’s mouth with the edge of
his sleeve.
blood disappeared into the grain of the dark leather he wore. Mal studied the
cuff, searching for a stain that didn’t show. Then he straightened his
shoulders and set Andrew’s hand back onto the silks.
turned from the canopied bed and stepped off the sleeping dais. The suite was
gloomy, the air too thick. The smoke from the massive candles Andrew had so
loved twined with the fumes of eastern incense.
stumbled over the flagstones, intending to wrench open the windows. He wanted
to breath in the night air, to clear away the headache lurking behind his eyes.
Siobahn warned, just as his hand settled on the window latch. “Tradition.
Renault would not be pleased …”
broke off, sensing his silent fury.
was correct. He almost lifted the latch anyway. If only he could get a taste of
fresh air. He needed the breeze across his face to cool his growing rage. And
Renault would never know.
pulled his hand back from the latch and curled his fingers carefully behind his
back. Standing alone in the hazy darkness, he could almost feel the chill of
the night through the windowpane.
was dearly bought. Only the king’s most beloved were lucky enough to have paned
windows. Mal had glass in his own rooms, but not so much.
had been Renualt’s most beloved.
now he’s dead.” Mal forced himself to say it aloud. Briefly, he set his brow
against one cool pane.
need to tell him,” Siobahn said from somewhere over his left shoulder. “You’ve
already waited too long. Renault should have been here earlier. To order the
windows covered and—”
time he stopped her words with a snarl. He heard her teeth click as she bit
back the rest of her lecture. He sighed. Again, she was correct. She almost
always was.
go to him now,” he allowed, turning away from his reflection in the glass.
lingered over the bed, poised as though in mid grasp, her fingers still
hovering over Andrew’s face. Mal followed the drift of her unnatural blue gaze
to the glitter of yellow on the dead man’s thumb.
it was his turn to use the power of their connection, to twist her guilt into a
weapon. He strode back across the room until he could pin her with his frown.
She flinched beneath his stare. Her cheeks pinked soft rose in embarrassment or
thought you had forgotten,” she said.
loomed at her side, towering four full handspans above the crown of her head,
and regarded the yellow stone in Andrew’s ring with distaste.
you hoped to remove it for me?” His laugh was bitter, his mouth hard.
know better.”
stood in the soft gown she had worn on their wedding day and faced his fury
with dignity.
set his hands on her small shoulders and shook her once, gently, but with
passion. Siobahn allowed his touch for a heartbeat. Then she slipped from under
his grasp. Mal almost went after her, but something in her half smile stopped
watched as she moved to stand before one of Andrew’s giant candelabras. The
flames bowed, drawn by her very breath.
an instant Mal heard as she did; the king’s heavy footsteps echoed between his
ears, pounding with the headache behind his nose.
swallowed hard, blinked the pain away, and lifted Andrew’s fingers.
ring slid easily over a bony knuckle. The true gold was warm in Mal’s hand. The
yellow jewel burst to life, sending a scattering of starbursts across dead man,
bedclothes, and wall.
king!” she whispered, starbursts glittering in her hair. She let him hear
again. Renault’s footfall almost punched holes in Mal’s tender skull.
shoved Andrew’s ring into the small pouch he kept on his belt. Then he moved
away from the canopy, standing where he could be seen from the massive wooden
door Andrew never barred.
could hear the march of booted feet in truth, now. It sounded as though Renault
had gathered his entire guard.
knows,” Siobahn murmured from her place among the candles and smoke.
slept,” she replied. “He dreamed, as Andrew died. I sent him a vision.”
heard regret in her admission. No doubt she feared he would be angry.
was too exhausted to fume any longer, weighed by grief. He looked over his
shoulder, thinking to reassure, but at that moment the footsteps rolled to a
stop in the corridor outside Andrew’s suite. The heavy door slammed open,
rattling the antechamber.
gust of cool air made the candles gutter and go out. Smoke wreathed the room.
Mal’s eyes watered in response.
blinked. When his vision cleared, Siobahn was gone, snuffed out along with
Andrew’s pretty tapers.
rubbed his throbbing brow. Then he set his shoulders, touched the pouch at his
belt, and went to greet his king.
About the Author:
In 1994 Sarah Remy earned a BA
in English Literature and Creative Writing from Pomona College in California.
Since then she’s been employed as a receptionist at a high-powered brokerage
firm, managed a boutique bookstore, read television scripts for a small
production company, and, more recently, worked playground duty at the local
elementary school.
When she’s not taking the
service industry by storm, she’s writing fantasy and science fiction. Sarah
likes her fantasy worlds gritty, her characters diverse and fallible, and she
doesn’t believe every protagonist deserves a happy ending.
Before joining the Harper
Voyager family, she published with EDGE, Reuts, and Madison Place Press.
Sarah lives in Washington
State with plenty of animals and people, both. In her limited spare time she
rides horses, rehabs her old home, and supervises a chaotic household. She can
talk to you endlessly about Sherlock Holmes, World of Warcraft, and backyard
chicken husbandry, and she’s been a member of one of Robin Hobb’s
longest-running online fan clubs since 2002.
Her latest is the fantasy
novel, Stonehill
More Information:
- Visit Sarah Remy’s website.
- Connect with Sarah on Facebook and Twitter.
- Find out more about Sarah
at Goodreads.
- Visit Sarah’s blog.
- Contact Sarah.
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