How did I become a Jett Girl?
Hell if I know, one moment I’m working at the premiere spot
for creepy men and sloppy drunks and the next, I’m being whisked away by a
moody ex-boxer and a mysterious man in a suit that overlooks his girls from the
third floor of the Lafayette Club.
It wasn’t easy but now that I’m a Jett Girl, there is only
one thing on my mind and that is Jett Colby.
He has captured me, stolen my heart and entwined my soul
into his at such an alarming rate that it seems almost difficult to breathe
without him holding me, touching me, kissing me...
He won’t give me his heart though, he won’t let me own every
last inch of him and not because he doesn’t want to, but because he doesn’t
want to jeopardize my ambiguity.
Because of this, there is only one thing standing in my way
when it comes to completely and utterly living my life with Jett Colby and it’s
called Lot 17.
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a Jett Girl Goodreads
caught my reflection in the mirror behind the bar and instantly understood why
the bartender was handing me a tall glass of sober-inducing water.
My hair was sticking out at all
ends thanks to my leather jacket turban, my makeup was smeared down my face
from sweat and my bra was practically falling out of my shirt from being
unattached. The only classy thing about me was the sign hanging out of my chest
and that was bordering classy.
“Holy shit, I’m a hot mess,” I
announced to the girls.
Babs looked me up and down while
taking a sip of some kind of red concoction in her hand. “I’m surprised you
just noticed that. You were at hot mess status an hour ago when you started
pelvic thrusting one of the hobo’s dogs on the streets.”
My head snapped up to Babs in
disgust. “Please tell me it was at least a German Shepard.”
“What is wrong with you?” Pepper
I shrugged and we all leaned
against the bar to survey the dance floor.
“A lot of tuna flakes out there
tonight,” Babs said.
“Tuna flakes?” I asked while
sucking down my water.
“A nicer way of saying pussy ass
“Oh.” I nodded as if that made
complete sense.
“If they’re pussy ass hoes, what
does that make us?” Pepper asked.
We stood there for a second
until I raised my hand.
“Yes, Lo?” Babs called on me.
“We’re a trio of bitch-a-corns.”
“Bitch-a-corns?” Pepper and Babs
asked at the same time.
“Bitches but by far superior.
The most majestic and beautiful bitches you will ever meet. We shit rainbows
and fart rainbow dust. Our tits are sparkling orbs and when a man sinks into
our pleasure hole, he is touched by a leprechaun’s teat, blessing him with
multiple orgasms in one night.”
“Well shit,” Pepper said as she
took a sip of her drink. “I had no clue my pussy was so goddamn sacred. I would
have wiped it with fucking sheets of gold if I knew the powers it had.”
“Common mistake,” I responded.
“You never know of your pussy powers until one day, you’re just sitting and a
little man in a green hat pops out of your pussy, waves and pops back in. That
was how I found out.”
“Yeah, time to call Kace,” Babs
said as she looked me up and down. “I’m calling it, you’re toasted.”
When I was in high school I occasionally read books but was
consumed by other teenage things so I didn't take the time to appreciate a good
book on a cloudy day, wrapped up in a blanket on the couch. It wasn't until I
received a Kindle for Christmas one year that my world completely flipped
upside down. When looking for books I came across the Contemporary Romance
genre and was sold and I haven't turned back since.
You can either find my head buried in my Kindle, listening
to inspiring heart ripping music or typing away on the computer twisting and
turning the lives of my characters while driving my readers crazy with
I currently reside in beautiful Colorado Springs where the
sun is always shining and there is a trail waiting to be hiked on every corner.
I share a lovely and warm home with the love of my life and my five,
It's very sensual and mysterical!