Christmas Cookie Collection
By: Lori Wilde
There’s a legend in
Twilight, Texas. It says that if on Christmas you sleep with kismet cookies
under your pillow and dream of your one true love, he will be your destiny.
Raylene, Christine, and Flynn are all members of the Christmas Cookie Club.
Each has a story to tell, and each discovers the miracles of the season and the
power of love.
Reconnects with her high school sweetheart . . .the only man she’s ever loved.
Discovers that the daughter she gave away at birth is living right in Twilight
. . .
Has given up on love . . . until the man ofher dreams walks through her shop
Grace: It’s
Christmas Eve and Flynn and Jesse Calloway are thrilled to be expecting a new
baby. Then Flynn’s car hits a patchof ice, and Jesse must move earth . . . and
heaven . . .to save her and their unborn child.
an Excerpt: HERE
Author Info:
LORI WILDE is the New York Times bestselling author of more than sixty books. A former RITA finalist, Lori has received the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award, the Holt Medallion, the Booksellers Best, the National Readers’ Choice, and numerous other honors. She lives in Texas, with her husband and a wide assortment of pets. Lori teaches Romance Writing Secrets via the internet through colleges and universities worldwide at Visit her at www.loriwilde.comor @LoriWilde on Twitter.
Lori’s Links:
twitter handle is @LoriWilde

Jennifer Ryan, All I Want For
Christmas is a Cowboy, 12/10/13:
This is an old Challenge Butter recipe I found in a magazine years ago. My kids
request these every Christmas.
Raspberry Slices
1/2 cup
butter (room temperature)
1/4 cup
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup
all-purpose flour
1/4 cup
raspberry jam
In a large
bowl, combine butter, sugar, and vanilla. Beat with a mixer on medium speed
until smooth. Stir in flour, then beat until dough comes together. It will
appear grainy, but when smashed in your hand will stick together.
Press dough
into a large ball. Divide into three sections. On a floured surface, with the
palm of your hand, roll each portion into a 9 inch long rope about 1 inch
thick. Place ropes about 2 inches apart on buttered 12x15 cookie sheet.
Press your
thumb into dough to make 1/2 inch indentation at 1 inch intervals along each
rope. Spoon 1/4 teaspoon jam into each indentation.
Bake at 350
degrees until edges are lightly browned, 12-15 minutes. Let cool on baking
plain, dusted with powder sugar, or drizzle with melted white, milk, or dark
chocolate (about 2 oz.). Cut each rope in between jelly.
Photos show recipe tripled. I used seedless raspberry jam.
Thank you so much for having me!
The one cookie I make every year is a Snickers filled peanut butter cookie