We're happy to have Deborah Ann Davis, author of the new adult novel, Fairly Safe, here with us today! Please leave a comment to let her know you stopped by!
About the Book:
Author: Deborah Ann Davis
Publisher: D&D Universe
Pages: 356
Genre: New Adult
Author: Deborah Ann Davis
Publisher: D&D Universe
Pages: 356
Genre: New Adult
When Mistaken Identity collides with Secret
Identity, who wins?
He has a mentor, a great job, and has finally fallen in love. Granted, she
mistook him for a stalker when they met, but every relationship has its little
problems. Unfortunately, for the past few years, as the object of his affection
pops in and out of his life, she has refused to share any personal info, like
where she’s from, or her real name. Regardless, Jacob is ready to take their
relationship to the next level. Now, if only he can locate her so he can tell
has to be their only priority. Their cover has been blown before, so Casey
knows at any given time they could be forced to disappear again. Obviously, a
shy young man with hopeful eyes cannot possibly be added to the mix. You cannot
build a relationship like that. Now, if only she can stop thinking about him.
Jacob inadvertently helps hide her family. Exposed to their 24-7 vigilance,
Jacob realizes he must come up with a plan to keep them out of harm’s way,
because this time if Casey disappears, she will be taking with her Jacob’s
heart, and his hopes of finally having a family of his own.
For More Information:
Book Excerpt:
Jacob Kent stepped out of his car as he scanned
the fair on the other side of the parking lot, his heart pounding. As with many
country fairs, the parking lot was no more than an abused pasture. This one was
about the size of two football fields. Fair employees decked in bright yellow
directed the early trickle of cars to their temporary berths. Jacob ignored
them, choosing instead a parking spot near the exit. Anticipating the possible
need for a quick getaway outweighed a pimply teen’s futile attempts to redirect
He regarded the rides twirling and
spinning above and around the strolling families. Despite the morning sun, the
lights flashed merrily, beckoning to all. At 11 a.m. it wasn’t crowded, but he knew that would soon change.
Locking his car, he slowly picked his way through the beaten grass, combing all
directions for a clue the girls were there. As the unmistakable sound of
carnival music floated toward him on the warm summer breeze, he reviewed
his plan.
First, he would walk through the fair to
familiarize himself with the layout they had printed out. Then he would adjust
their escape route to where he parked the car. After assessing the grounds, he
would plant himself somewhere along the concourse, and watch the crowd. That’s
how he had always found Casey in the past, and that’s how he was going to find
her again.
A voice came over the loudspeaker, momentarily
dimming the carnival noise. “Would the owner of a red ford truck, license plate
AIP537, please return to your vehicle? Your lights are on.”
Jacob tensed. Was that some kind of clue? He
looked over the parking lot. No, he could see the lights of the red truck from
here. He smiled ruefully to himself.
Get a grip, Kent, he thought as he
watched a portly balding man march exasperatedly toward the truck.
He sighed. Intellectually, he had to
acknowledge they might have pieced together a bunch of randomly forgotten items
into a fantastical story, but emotionally, he couldn’t help but believe the
items served an ultimate purpose. If The Herd was here, he was going to find
them. He also knew if he wasn’t careful, he could spend the entire day jumping
at shadows and following dead ends.
Like that little commotion over by the edge
of the fair. To his over-active
imagination, that game of tag could look like a child trying to escape from the
evil clutches of—
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, WIPEOUT!” sang out over the
His head jerked up. As the pounding drums
from the familiar song drowned out the carnival music, all doubt was erased.
The loudspeaker was sending out a warning. His eyes darted back toward the
commotion he had noticed. That was no game of tag. That was a child trying to
escape a man in hot pursuit. Jacob couldn’t be positive at this
distance, but it sure looked like Robin.
With his heart in his throat, he broke
into a run, zigzagging between cars, trying to intercept the fleeing child as
it headed toward the side of the parking lot. In this surreal moment, the same
song they had used for obstacle course training was being piped out like
background music to a scene in a movie. But this scene was real, where a real
menace was gaining. Caught in his own nightmare, Jacob was watching Robin run
for her life, and he was not close enough to help.
As the predator and prey crossed the area
between the fair and the parking lot, the longer legs of the adult closed the
gap between them, but once they reached the cars, the advantage became hers.
Robin’s small size and training put some distance between them as she dodged
around vehicles. However, her constant change of direction made it difficult
for Jacob to maintain a course of interception.
Watching Robin’s progress, Jacob realized she
was trying to head back toward the fair. Silently applauding Robin’s decision
to get closer to other people who could help her, Jacob altered his course
So did Robin’s pursuer.
Suddenly, her stalker eliminated the space
between them by clambering up and over two pickup trucks, and landing an arm’s
length away. Skidding, Robin veered around another vehicle with the man on her
tail. As Jacob frantically tried to reach her, a brunette Sam suddenly popped
out from behind a car and neatly took the man out with one magnificent sweep of
a skateboard to the head.
Where did she come from? A stunned Jacob skidded to a stop, gasping for breath, his
chest burning.
With a quick high-five, the sisters raced back
to the fair. Jacob tried in vain to get their attention, but he hadn’t quite recovered
enough breath to formulate sounds louder than gasps. He shook his head as he
tried to calm the burning in his lungs. He was a wreck, but they were able to run
And I was going to save them? He weakly chuckled. What was I thinking?
Sobering, he trotted over to the man who
was staggering to his feet. With rage marshalling all of his strength, Jacob
drew back and smashed his fist into the man’s face. The unexpected pain in his
fist was nothing compared to the satisfaction of watching Robin’s former threat
drop like an anchor.
Shaking the pain out of his hand, Jacob aimed a
vindictive kick at the ribs of his girls’ attacker. Any qualms he might
ordinarily have about hitting a man when he’s down were nonexistent when it
came to someone threatening his family.
Satisfied the man was no longer a danger,
he took off in the direction he had seen his girls disappear, trying to
calm the fear rising in his chest. He doubted this man had come alone. The
girls probably knew that, too, and would be hiding. How was he going to find
them before their pursuers did?
The light glinting off the speaker perched atop
a telephone pole caught his eye. Jacob skidded to a stop and stared at it. Of
course. When Robin had been trying to escape, that speaker had been
blasting out WipeOut, but now he only heard carnival music. With a grin,
Jacob decided it was time to stop believing in coincidences. Someone at the
fair must be helping them. If he found that person, he’d be able to find the
About the Author
About the Author
been writing since she was assigned to keep a Journal in her 5th grade
English class. She began to look around for writing inspiration. Lo and
behold, she found her world was full of funny stories just waiting to be told.
As she grew older, occasionally she could manipulate one into
some school assignment, but it never occurred to her to pursue writing,
not even when she discovered her flare for telling stories at college parties.
After a string of college majors, she realized she could
have a captive audience EVERY DAY in the public school system. As it turns out,
teenagers love to laugh, and what could be more entertaining than Biology,
Earth Science, and Environmental Science? Then there's the added bonus
that once kids know you like to laugh, they want to make
you laugh.
Go figure.
In addition to Writing, she is also an Educational Speaker
and a Certified Personal Trainer. She taught for 25+ years,
although somewhere in the middle of all that educating, she stepped out of
teaching for 6 years to do the Mommy Thing, and run the office for their family
construction company.
Even though they had followed separate paths, Deborah
reunited with, and married her childhood sweetheart, twelve years after their
first kiss. Together they coached their daughter’s AAU Basketball
Team, which swept States two years in a row. (Yay!) Then, for several years
their daughter and their money went to college.
They currently reside on a lovely lake in Connecticut. She enjoys dabbling with living a sustainable life,
writing novels for her Love of Fairs series, dancing, playing outside,
and laughing really hard every day. She promotes increasing the amount of
movement throughout your day via Wiggle Writer posts on Merry Meddling, her blog at www.DeborahAnnDavis.com. Follow her @DeborahAnnDavis.
Remember, you can do anything if you set your mind to
it— including becoming an author at any age— but it’s way more fun if you are
grinning back when the Universe smiles down on you.
For More Information:
- Visit Deborah Ann Davis’ website.
- Connect with Deborah on Facebook and Twitter.
- Find out more about Deborah at Goodreads.
Thank you for hosting "Fairly Safe" which came out just last month. Have a wonderful day!