Author: Kelly Wilson
Publisher: Gravity
Pages: 182
Genre: Memoir/Humor
Author: Kelly Wilson
Publisher: Gravity
Pages: 182
Genre: Memoir/Humor

Except that I was totally deluded. And I didn’t discover
that until Jim, my beloved father-in-law, died. I found myself drying off from
my shower the morning after his death, really hoping he couldn’t see me naked.
Or, if he could, that he was averting his eyes.
From that moment, my path through grief resembled a roller
coaster, spiraling and twisting and turning, circling back around. Echoes of
past trauma, including childhood abuse and cheating death, would no longer be
ignored. I somehow needed to get from the beginning to the end
of this grief adventure, and I don't have a good sense of direction.
But what is always present during a journey through grief,
regardless of the path chosen?
Caskets From Costco
is a funny book about grief that demonstrates the certainty of hope and healing
in an uncertain and painful world.
For More Information:
- Caskets From Costco is
available at Amazon.
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& Noble.
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Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.
Book Excerpt:
I get lost using a GPS.
Don’t get me wrong, I use a GPS when I’m
trying to find my way, but it’s more of a security blanket than anything else.
It doesn’t necessarily offer the security
of correct directions, but the GPS fits snugly into my palm as I carry it
around, just in case.
Why carry a GPS if it’s so useless?
Because I have no sense of direction. I understand the compass rose in theory,
but my navigational skills consist of, “Head down that one road that goes by
the Beaver’s Inn and turn left and then right
at the crooked tree. What do you mean, is that north or south? I don’t know,
it’s left, just do it.”
I get lost. A lot.
So I carry around the GPS and occasionally
feel the need to turn it on and consult a map. But I have found through my many
years of getting lost that even though there’s a map in front of me, this
doesn’t guarantee that I will get from Point A to Point B without detours or
Kind of like the grief process.
When I was in college, I learned that
there were five stages in order to appropriately process grief. They are locked
in my memory as the acronym “DABDA,” which stands for Denial, Anger,
Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance, terms coined by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.
I bought into this concept with my
whole being, interpreting the process as set-in-stone directions for grieving –
a Grief Positioning System, if you will. I was going to navigate quickly and
efficiently through my past trauma, happily leaving it behind me. There was
nothing I wanted to do more than “Get Over IT,” whatever IT happened to be.
I wrote out my list of difficult
experiences from which I wanted to be free, greatly anticipating the person I
would become once my checklist of grief was completed.
That was over twenty years ago. Currently,
none of the items are crossed off.
I had missed a fundamental principle: While
there may be a Grief Positioning System with directions for navigation, there
are often several ways to get from Point A to Point B.
For awhile, I was angry with the stages of
grief theory and claimed it was fundamentally flawed as a Grief Positioning
System, blaming it and Kubler-Ross for leading me astray. As usual, though, my
misunderstanding of her work was the result of what we call in the
technological world “Operator Error,” like when the printer isn’t printing and
I think something is wrong with it, but it’s actually because I didn’t turn the
blasted thing on.
Upon further reflection on the work of
Kubler-Ross (after reading it again), I have decided that I may have been a
little zealous about this set-in-stone linear map regarding the stages of
But this led to the liberating
realization that while stages of grief provide some helpful direction, a Grief
Positioning System is not required to navigate this particular kind of journey.
This is my messy, circular,
spiraling-up-and-down grief journey navigated with large doses of humor.
And without a map.
Rumbling into the pain and grief of losing, to death, a loved one is a painful process at best. In Caskets From Costco, author Kelly Wilson takes a humorous approach to a journey all of us must travel.
As a young wife and mother, our tale teller faces the death of her beloved father-in-law, Jim. A vital man with a prankster's sense of humor, Kelly cannot comprehend his being alive one moment and dead the next.
Unlike myself, Kelly ponders each and every experience with death as though trying to fully dissect every thought and feeling. she shares her confusion, sadness bordering on depression and yet with a tongue-in-cheek manner. With me, I just accept and soak in the memories of the person who once was.
Kelly makes her characters feel real and what they go through makes the reader of Caskets From Costco travel this journey with Kelly.
Because of the intensity in Kelly's loss and how she handles it, I give this fascinating story a 3.2 stars ~JoEllen
About the Author:
Wilson is an author and comedian who entertains and inspires with stories of
humor, healing, and hope. She is the author of Live Cheap & Free, Don’t
Punch People in the Junk, and Caskets
From Costco, along with numerous articles and short stories for
children and adults. Kelly Wilson currently writes for a living and lives with
her Magically Delicious husband, junk-punching children, dog, cat, and
stereotypical minivan in Portland ,
Oregon .
More Information:
- Visit Kelly Wilson’s website.
- Connect with Kelly on Facebook and Twitter.
- Find out more about Kelly at
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