The Day of the Wave
by Becky

apart by the tragedy. Thrown back together ten years later by destiny... Isla
and Ben were just sixteen when the Boxing Day tsunami ripped through their
beach resort in Thailand. Just days after forming a life-changing bond, both
were missing and presumed dead.
Based on real life
events, The Day of the Wave is a story of healing, learning to let go, and
figuring out when to hold on with everything you have left.
'Isabella,' I
said to the girl in braids behind the computer. She was frantic, tapping away a
million miles an hour. A line of people were behind me. All of them were
bedraggled and beside themselves, like the cast of a war movie. 'Isabella from
England. Izzy. I left her on the beach. Can you look again?'
'We don't have
any Isabella's yet, I'm sorry,' she said. I asked a hundred times about Toby,
too, and Charlie and Van and Tee, but I always got the same answer.
They'd brought
in experts from everywhere - Austria, the Netherlands, Australia, Germany, and
all of them I realized quickly were carrying out the gruesome tasks it took to
identify the dead. Most of it wasn't even happening behind closed doors. There
weren't enough doors.
After a while,
no one was bringing the injured in anymore. It was just more bodies and still
none of them were Toby. Still none of them were Charlie or Izzy... at least, I
didn't think they were. There were panels of photos of the bodies as they were
brought in, on the walls. But they were all so horribly deformed. You can't
even imagine what water does. People go black, their eyes bulge out of their
sockets. The only way to recognize somebody at first is by their jewelry.
They were
fingerprinting the corpses, I discovered. They gave them full dental
examinations and took X-rays, then they sent the DNA samples away for analysis.
It was when I learned they were matching them to a missing-person's list in
Phuket that I begged to be taken there, to the International Hospital. I knew
more bodies were there. Maybe I'd find Toby there.
I found my mom
instead. She'd just flown in and been allowed a transfer. 'My baby,' she cried
when she found me, pulling me against her and sobbing. I was sixteen but her
words hit hard. I felt like a baby; a useless, helpless, broken baby. Glenn
stood solid like a tree behind her. He hugged me too. It was the first and last
time he ever did.
We moved to a
hotel, where we stayed for two weeks and I made it my job to look out for
Sonthi. He was going through the same thing, only he was still searching for
twenty people he loved. We played guitar at night. We knew the same Beatles
song so we sang together outside, taught ourselves the harmonies to take our
minds off all the tragedies. Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away, Now
it looks as though they're here to stay, Oh I believe in yesterday.
Even though
Sonthi didn't know the meaning of the words, I think they helped us both somehow.
The yesterdays we missed were haunting everyone but at least we escaped with
our lives.
I went with mom
to the councilor, too, but she cried all the way through, and she cried so much
at the hotel that I didn't sleep for days. I was a shell. I had no tears left.
'They're gone, they're never coming back,' mom yowled.
'We don't know
that!' I yelled at her, but she yowled even more into the walls and the floor
and the pillow, while a thousand other people doing the same made even the
hotel feel like a funeral parlor.
We got told
that DNA breaks down once bodies decompose. The longer we had to wait, the less
chance we had of identifying anyone. Eventually I had to say goodbye to Sonthi
and everyone at the hospital I'd gotten to know. Our flight was booked; my
brother and uncle and Izzy were officially missing, assumed dead. My mom was a
pale-faced Martian I didn't know anymore and she hadn't really spoken to me in
days. 'Toby, my baby, Toby!,' she wailed into Glenn's expensive shirt as he
helped her outside and into the taxi.
I was just
about to leave for the airport when the girl in braids came to grab me. 'Ben,'
she said, leaning down, putting a hand to my shoulder. I could tell by her face
she had bad news. 'We found Isabella, from the UK,' she said as the tears
careened down her face. 'There's only one on the list. I'm so sorry.'
It was raining
when I got outside. It was a real tropical downfall; the kind of rain that
lashes and hurts. I turned my face up to it and let it hit me as the wind
howled. I wanted to feel the physical crash of everything that had been
breaking my heart. The only thing I felt was how it wasn't rain at all. It felt
like my brother and Izzy and Charlie and two hundred thousand other souls were
Becky Wicks is mostly powered by coffee. She had three travel
memoirs published by HarperCollins before going the indie route. Her first book
in the Starstruck Series, 'Before He Was Famous' recently reached #1 in
Amazon's Coming of Age and New Adult & College categories. The second in the
series, 'Before He Was Gone', and the third, 'Before He Was A Secret' are both
out now along with 'The Day Of The Wave' - a romance based around the 2004
Boxing Day tsunami.
Becky blogs most days at and always welcomes
distractions on Twitter: (especially if you have cat photos)
Becky will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Follow the tour HERE
Love the cover and can't wait to read.
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the excerpt and giveaway!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great read.
ReplyDeleteGreat excerpt! Thanks for sharing :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the excerpt :) What's your favorite book and author? Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction?
ReplyDeletePretty intense excerpt!
i enjoyed reading the excerpt.nice cover.great gieaway
ReplyDeleteWow, the excerpt and trailer were very moving. We all watch the news and hear of all the tragedies caused by both man and nature seemingly on a daily basis, but this book wants us to also see the positive in people and the hope for healing. I can't wait to read it! And thank you for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed learning about the book. Thanks for sharing it.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the excerpt~thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteAn emotional read I dare say.
ReplyDeleteI think this one is going to make me cry! Thank you for sharing parts of the book with us!