Friday, February 6, 2015

Excerpt & Giveaway - In Your Wildest Scottish Dreams (The MacIain Trilogy #1) by Karen Ranney


In Your Wildest Scottish Dreams
The MacIain Trilogy #1

By: Karen Ranney

Releasing January 27th, 2015

Avon Romance 


New York Times bestselling author Karen Ranney's first novel in a brand-new series spins the intriguing story of a beautiful widow and a devilishly handsome shipbuilder... 

Seven years have passed since Glynis MacIain made the foolish mistake of declaring her love to Lennox Cameron, only to have him stare at her dumbfounded. Heartbroken, she accepted the proposal of a diplomat and moved to America, where she played the role of a dutiful wife among Washington's elite. Now a widow, Glynis is back in Scotland. Though Lennox can still unravel her with just one glance, Glynis is no longer the naïve girl Lennox knew and vows to resist him. 

With the American Civil War raging, shipbuilder Lennox Cameron must complete a sleek new blockade runner for the Confederate Navy. He cannot afford any distractions, especially the one woman he's always loved. Glynis's cool demeanor tempts him to prove to her what a terrible mistake she made seven years ago. 

As the war casts its long shadow across the ocean, will a secret from Glynis's past destroy any chance for a future between the two star-crossed lovers?


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“You’ve come home,” Lennox said.

Glynis wanted to pull away but stood still. Precipitous gestures could be misunderstood. Better to allow him to hold her hand than cause a scene, especially when whispers swirled around them.

“It’s the MacIain girl, home after all these years.”

“Wasn’t there some scandal about her?” 

“Is this the first time she’s been seen in public?”  

Were people recalling those times she followed after Lennox as a child? At five years old she marked him as hers. As a young woman she was prepared to tell him she adored him.  

Foolish Glynis.  

He must not affect her. She wouldn’t allow it. She was no longer nineteen and desperately in love.  

“Why didn’t you come home sooner?” he asked now, still holding her hand. 

Instead of answering, she only smiled. The diplomatic ranks did not value honesty and so she became adroit at sidestepping it. 

He still smelled of wood and the ocean. Whenever anyone said the word “ship” or she tasted a brine filled breeze, he would appear in her memory with a twinkle in his eye.  

The hint of beard showing on this important occasion wasn’t due to any sloth on his part. He had to shave more than once a day to eliminate a shadow appearing on his cheeks and chin. 

“I think God wants me to have facial hair,” he said to her. “But God and I are going to disagree.” 

He was a foot taller than she was, dressed in black evening wear accentuating his shoulders and height. All his life he’d worked hard and it showed in the breadth of his chest and muscled legs. Something about him, though, hinted at power and always had. In a crowded room people sought him out the way they looked to leaders and confident men.   

Lennox Cameron resembled a prince and a devastating Highlander and he’d been the hero of most of her childish dreams. 

No longer, however. Too much had happened in the intervening years. 

Author Info:
Karen Ranney began writing when she was five. Her first published work was The Maple Leaf, read over the school intercom when she was in the first grade. In addition to wanting to be a violinist (her parents had a special violin crafted for her when she was seven), she wanted to be a lawyer, a teacher, and, most of all, a writer. Though the violin was discarded early, she still admits to a fascination with the law, and she volunteers as a teacher whenever needed. Writing, however, has remained the overwhelming love of her life. 

Author Links:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads 

Rafflecopter Giveaway:
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  1. Thank you for hosting IN YOUR WILDEST SCOTTISH DREAMS!

  2. Sigh. Glynis and Lennox. They sound quite the pair with angsty pasts and all. But I know Karen's writing will bring them together to their HEA and with pizazz! It's been a great tour. Thanks for the post.
