Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Name Before the Masses Tour (Interview & Giveaway) - Taming Miss Tisdale by Jessica Jefferson



By Jessica Jefferson


Miss Tamsin Tisdale believes herself to be completely unsuitable for London life. After a myriad of social mishaps, and the potential ruination of her family name, she’s shipped away to her cousin’s northern estate. Only after she comes to her senses will she be welcomed home. 

Marcus Winston, the Duke of Grayson, has a lackluster reputation. The last in a dying line, he’s endured a protected life—rank with privilege, encumbered by isolation. After a brief encounter with rebellion, he learns the devastating consequences of his carelessness and willingly accepts living life from inside his gilded cage. 

However, a chance meeting with the brazen Miss Tisdale gives Marc the opportunity to reinvent himself into the man he’s always dreamed of being. When his deception comes to light, and ghosts from both their pasts threaten to unravel the intimacy they’ve come to cherish, will either of them set their fears aside long enough to embrace love? Or will Miss Tisdale’s stubbornness divide them?

            Jason looked bored. “Get to the important part, Grayson. Was she beautiful?”
            Again, Marc was ill-prepared to answer such a question. Taken individually, that large mouth, those plump pink lips, her long nose, red hair, and freckled skin—nothing about her was spectacular by any means. But together, all those odd pieces and parts, which seemed so ordinary at first glance, fit together to form the picture of a particularly stunning woman.
            “Yes,” he answered quite simply. No need to give Jason any more fodder for discussion by rambling on like some sort of awful poet.
            Jason grinned from ear to ear. “Well, that is quite eventful, indeed.” He swept a crumb off his jacket sleeve. “Does this original have a name?”
            Marc stopped suddenly, his coffee halfway to his lips. “Name?”
            Jason laughed. “Yes, her name. This unique creature has to have a name. Diana? Aphrodite? Venus, perhaps?” Then Jason stopped laughing as realization spread over his face like a mordant rash. “You don’t know her bloody name, do you?”
            Marc set his cup down on the table and stared at it. “She never volunteered the information and I never bothered to ask.”

Let's Learn a little about Jessica Jefferson:

What is your writing environment?

I have a beautiful office that my husband and I redecorated a couple years ago.  With that said, I have two children and a part time job, so my writing environment is wherever I can find a minute to write.  I write in the RV on our way to one of our outdoor adventures, I write during my 8 year old’s gymnastics practice, hiding in my bathroom…wherever I need to write!

Who is your perfect hero and why?

I really love the cocky, self-assured, arrogant types. But only in romance novels.  There’s something about the “bad boys” that seem to have it all that gets to me.  I think it’s the idea that I could possibly change them, even though once they’re reformed – what fun is that?


What authors have caught your interest lately and why?

I’m a big fan of my fellow Embracing Romance authors.  Violetta Rand has some sexy new adult books coming out soon.  Victoria Vane writes Georgian, which I think is a really fun period.  Gina Conkle, Bronwen Evans, Collette Cameron – there’s a lot of great authors on that site.

What type of book have you always wanted to write?

I’ve always wanted to write historical romance, but I kind of have this thing for new adult too.

Top 3 things on your bucket list?

I actually have a written bucket list, which after this question was posed I reviewed and found I could actually cross some things off (like be a published author).  I want to visit all fifty states – I’m pretty sheltered so I’ve only been to like fifteen. I would like to visit Italy, and also go white water rafting.  I’m really into adventure…until I get there.

How did you get the idea for this particular novel?

The series is really inspired by my fascination by the family dynamic, namely that relationship between sisters.  Taming Miss Tisdale came to life after I started thinking about that one girl we all knew when we were younger – the tomboy that always got herself into trouble.  I thought it was a fun premise.

What is your favorite scene in your new release?

The morning meal with Jason and Marc.  Even though Marc is the hero, Jason really steals the novel. It gives some great insight into their relationship and really sets up Marc’s infatuation with Tamsin.

What are you working on now and when can we expect it to be available?

In Fall, the new installment in the Regency Blooms Series will be ready.  It’s the story of Lilly – the ugly duckling who falls in love with an unattainable man.  I actually drew from some personal experience for this one.

What do you like to do when you are not writing?

I love to be outdoors.  We recently purchased a pretty spiffy RV and I can’t wait to go to Colorado and beyond.

What would you consider a perfect date?

I think I’ve been on it.  My husband once had a candlelight picnic set up on the top of a dune on Lake Michigan.  I was amazed at how he was able to get it all set up, then pick me up and bring me back ,and it was all still there and ready.  It was really romantic and I just don’t see how anyone could top it!

What is one interesting fact about you that readers don’t know?

I have Mr. Darcy tattooed on my left foot.

Jessica Jefferson makes her home in northern Indiana, or as she likes to think of it—almost Chicago.  She is heavily inspired by classic sweeping, historical romance novels, but aims to take those key emotional elements and inject a fresh blend of quick dialogue and comedy.  She invites you to visit her at and read more of her random romance musings.


 Buy Link:   Amazon  
$50 Amazon gift card
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  1. I liked learning more about you.

  2. This sounds like a really touching story. . Loved the excerpt.

  3. I am curious about Jason now--will he get a book?

    Trix, vitajex(at)aol(Dot)com

  4. I love that you have Mr. Darcy tattooed on your foot. That's awesome. :)

  5. I think the bucket list is great! And I love the idea of visiting all the states...

  6. Interesting interview today. Is it just Mr Darcy's name or his face you have tattooed on your foot?
