Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Interview & Giveaway - An Undying Oath by H.K. Savage

An Undying Oath

By  H.K. Savage

Published By- Staccato Publishing



Sergeant Justin Shaw returned from the war with what is left of his unit, though instead of being hailed as heroes, they are being sought as test subjects. Their last mission behind enemy lines to obtain a WMD ended with them exposed and on the run. Their goal is not only to destroy the weapon, but also the program being run by their own government. Justin and his men have sacrificed everything for their mission. Will it be enough? Samantha James, a girl whose father disappeared almost twenty years ago unwittingly holds the key. When her father returns bodies start to fall. Sam doesn't know who to trust. Both Justin and her father have their own agendas and either one of them could end up with her dead.


Carefully, she pushed open the door and entered her apartment. The
growling ball of fur in her grasp was having no part of it. Clawing at
her with his sharp back claws, Bill took a few chunks out of her
forearms as he finally leapt free of her, racing down the hall and out
of sight. Sam didn’t give chase or even turn her head to see where he
went. He wouldn’t go far, he never did on the rare occasion he got
out. In a few minutes he would be beating at the door with his soft,
declawed front paws. Her focus was on what had incited such panic in
her even keel pet. Why was Bill so scared to go inside? He liked Paul.
Even more unsettling was the feeling crawling down her spine.
Something was very wrong. She could feel it. 

There was no sound or movement coming from inside. When Paul was over
he always had the television turned on a game whether it was football,
basketball, soccer, whatever. He always had to have background noise.
Unlike Sam, he liked noise. 

“Paul?” Sam realized she was crouching. Telling herself she was being
ridiculous, she forced herself to stand up, pushing the door open and
peering inside. There was no answer. Maybe he was tired and had nodded
off she told herself. It did nothing for the now painful gooseflesh
covering her body. “Paul?” she called his name again, whispering it
this time. He wasn’t in the living room or kitchen. She pushed a
cabinet door closed with the back of one hand as she walked past. He
had to have been here, she never left drawers or cabinets open.
Glancing around, she noticed a piece of mail hanging over the edge of
her sorter. What had he been doing in here, snooping? With
considerably more effort, she forced her feet toward the bedroom,
stepping over one of Bill’s toys lying in the middle of the floor. 

“Paul?” His name died on her lips as she walked past the open bathroom
door and froze. Without knowing what she was doing, Sam drifted inside
and stopped just inside the doorway. Her hand flew to her mouth too
late to stop the scream.

Book Links:


About the Author-

HK lives in the frozen hinterlands of the far North. The long, cold months provide ample opportunity to hunker down with her computer and create adventures far more enticing than scraping ice and getting frostbite.  

Between books HK reads voraciously. Anything with a good plot and compelling characters are her broad parameters. One is as likely to catch her with a copy of Don Quixote as with the latest in Gail Carriger’s steampunk series. 

HK practices martial arts, rides her horse, gardens and plays with her family every chance she gets. Next winter she intends to brush up on her Spanish and escape the cold for somewhere more tropical.


Let's Learn a little about HK Savage:
What is your writing environment? 
That's all changed since moving. Every book has been written at my
kitchen table late at night after everyone goes to sleep. Now that
I've moved I'm using this new comfy couch with my feet on my footrest
but still has to be night time or I just stare at my screen.
Who is your perfect hero/heroine and why? 
Of my own or someone else's? My favorite to write was my first, James
from the Empath Trilogy. But Justin is pretty amazing too. He's got
that Southern drawl and manners (when he uses them) but he's a
fighter. Not just a soldier, he fights for what he believes in and
he's always got his men's backs even when they don't want his help.
What authors have caught your interest lately and why? 
You know, I have just read two of the best reads I've had in a while.
Tessa Bailey's Unfixable was absolutely fabulous. Her characters were
unctuous (just keep coming back to that word even though we usually
use it for wine and food) but there you go. And Aaron Michael
Ritchey's Long Live the Suicide King. It's YA which I don't really
read much anymore, but it's so real. I felt like I knew those
characters, if not now then when I was in school.
What type of book have you always wanted to write? 
We laugh about this every year at a convention I go to. I want to
write a slapstick, over the top erotic romance. Something a little
gross, more real and less airbrushed while also capturing the goofy
side of life and love.
Top 3 things on your bucket list? 
I'm actively working on my bucket list! Rode a motorcycle for the
first time last year on my birthday. My next three would have to
 a vacation to an exotic island just to relax (I've never just relaxed
on a vacation)
have a book hit a list (NYT, USA Today, etc)
live abroad for at least a month
How did you get the idea for this particular novel? 
I follow biotech and other fields cause I'm a science nerd or at least
I used to be. The idea of how war is advancing, specifically on the
front lines, has me fascinated. I mean, we've fought for as long as
we've been around but all that's changed has been the weaponry. What
if the advances in genetics came into play and it was the soldiers who
changed? What would the moral implications be and the human toll?
What is your favorite scene in your new release? 
I have a few favorites for different reasons but I always love humor
so I'd say the kiss fake out in the kitchen when he's going for the
coffee cup is my favorite.
What are you working on now and when can we expect it to be available? 
I'm working on the follow up, Jimmy's story and I hope to have that
available end of year or maybe spring. Then I'm also working on the
last in my adult paranormal series, The Admiral's Elite (Second Sight
and Into the Light) which I hope to have out by spring/summer. We'll
see. Lots of changes this year in my life so writing's been a struggle
but I'm working on it.
What do you like to do when you are not writing? 
Well, I have a lot of energy so in order to sit and write I have to
burn some off. That means I have to go for a long walk with my
playlist to get my thoughts in order and my legs to be still. At
times, I bring my dog but not always since he usually has me laughing
too hard to focus. He's a puggle and they are very expressive.
Otherwise, I'm at Muay Thai kickboxing (which is where I work out most
of my fight scenes with my awesome fellow martial artists) or just
relaxing with my daughter.
What is one interesting fact about you that readers don’t know? 
I don't know, I answer just about any question so I'm kind of an open
book. What they don't know? Maybe something new- I had a lot of loss
(divorce, sale of my beloved horse and dressage partner and a few
other this and that type things) this year but it's given me a lot of
fodder for my characters and I plan to use it. 
Giveaway Info:

1 signed PB of An Undying Oath
1 $5 Amazon GC
1 Ecopy of An Undying Oath

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